Season 3
Other things are happening!

Ep 150 Season 3 Finale - Elizabeth Short, The Black Dahlia
It's the season 3 finale and we've got a great big murder mystery for you - the case of the Black Dahlia.
Who was Elizabeth Short? What led to her gruesome murder? And how many black drinks can we pack into this episode?
The secret ingredient is....black!

Ep 149 - Mary Wilson & The Phosphorous Files
We have a poison special looking at our glowing friend phosphorous...
How was this element discovered? Do you know about the Match Girls? And what made Mary Wilson so handy with her sex pills?
The secret ingredient is (of course)...phosphorous!

Ep 148 - Delphine LaLaurie & The Horrors in the Attic
This week we are exploring the chilling tale of Delphine LaLaurie…
Who was this vicious woman? What led to her crimes? And what's your go too kitchen equipment during a riot ?
The secret ingredient is…New Orelans

Ep 147 - Oum-El-Hassen & The Voices in the Wall
It's a brutal tale of a deadly woman who went from the sublime to the horrifying.
Was was Oum-El-Hassen? How did she fall so suddenly from favour? And how much make up would it take to disguise an entire regiment of soldiers?
The secret ingredient is...a nightingale!

Ep 146 - The Ice Box Murders & The Grassy Knoll
We have a truly mad story this week of bodies in the ice box and spies in our midst...
Who was Charles Rodgers? What secrets did he keep? And was really one of the most famous killers of all time?
The secret ingredient is...ice!

Ep 145 - Harry Hayward & The Mesmerizing Murders
We are returning to tales of crime and hypnotism with the case of Harry Hayward...
Did Harry possess special powers? Why did he want a young business woman dead? And was he responsible for more than one death?
The secret ingredient is...money!

Ep 144 - Darya Saltykova & The Tormented Serfs
We're heading to Russia to hear the tale of the 2nd most famous Bloody Countess.
who was Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova? What turned her heart to stone? And what do you know about serfdom?
The secret ingredient is...chains!

Ep 143 - The Gouffe Case & Hypnotic Horrors
The first part of a look into mesmerizing murders!
We look at 3 famous cases of people who claimed to have been hypnotized into criminality, building up to the deadly Gouffe Case in Paris...
Do you believe hypnotism can cause crimes? Is it an easy excuse for clever crooks? And how do you finish off your corpses?
The secret ingredient is...hypnotism (of course)

Ep 142 - Sarah Jane Roberts & The All Seeing Eye
We have the compelling 1880 case of Sarah Jane Roberts, struck down in her prime for no apparent reason.
Who would want Sarah Jane dead? Did her eye hold clues to her killer? And why did everyone have it in for the milkman?!
The secret ingredient is...eyes!

Special Episode - Who Put Bella In The Wych Elm?
Who put Bella in the Wych Elm? Will we ever know?
This is a special bonus release of one of our Patreon episodes, as Ep 142 was delayed on 13/01/23 due to illness.
We will be back as usual next week!

Ep 141 - Marguerite Steinheil & The Eventful Ending
We're heading to la belle epoque for the scintillating story of Marguerite Steinheil.
Who attended her sought after salons? What scandals followed her? And why was she SO popular?
The secret ingredient is... Paris!

Ep 140 - Christmas Special: The Life & Times of Charlie Peace
It's our 2022 Christmas Special and we're telling the story of Charlie Peace.
What led to Charlie's life of crime? What does the circus have to do with his tale? And will you join us for our first live shot on air?
The secret ingredient is...a lion! And as ever, we've mixed up a few drinks...
Merry Christmas to you all!

Ep 139 - Who killed William Guldenseppe?
There's a torso in New York's East River...
We look at the case of the scattered (not) Dutchman, and the bizarre love triangle that made the papers.
Why was William Guldenseppe killed? What secrets did his hands hold? And what would you do for a good story?
The secret ingredient is...cherries!

Ep 138 - Joe Ball, The Butcher of Elmendor
And we're off to Texas to tell the tale of one of the weirdest bars we've come across and the man who ran it.
Who was Joe Ball? What happened to all the ladies in his life? And would you visit a pub with its own gator pit?
The secret ingredient is....alligator!

Ep 137 - Louisa Merrifield & The Jars of Jam
Ep 137 is loose! And it's the tale of the Blackpool Poisoner, Louisa Merrifield!
Why did Louisa boast so much about her employer's death? Was her husband as confused as he seemed? And how much food are you hiding under your stairs?
The secret ingredient is...jam!

Ep 136 - Winnie Ruth Judd & The False Friends
Ep 136 is loose and we're telling the tale of the Blonde Butcher, Winnie Ruth Judd.
Was Ruth a crazed killer or a woman who'd been misled? Who was the real villain of this tale? And how do you use your ironing board?
The secret ingredient is...a hand!

Ep 135 - Murder at The Jolly Carter
We're off to a lovely Lancashire pub where murder most foul has been committed!
Who was Alexander McKean? Who would want to harm a harmless maid? And are auctioneers the greatest HEROES of them all?
The secret ingredient is...a maid!

Ep 134 - Cordelia Botkin & The Murderous Mail
It's a good old fashioned poisoning case this week with the tale of Cordelia Botkin and her insatiable desires.
What drove Cordelia to send such heinous hate mail? What was in those chocolates? And what shopping would you need in jail?
The secret ingredient is...chocolate bon bons!

Ep 133 - Percy Lefroy Mapleton & The Imperfect Portrait
Ep 133 is loose! And we're solving the mystery of the blood soaked man on the London to Brighton train.
Who was Percy Lefroy Mapleton? Why was he attacked? And why doesn't Sinead understand words?
The secret ingredient is...a train!

Ep 132 - Halloween Special: The Pendle Witches
It's our Halloween episode, and we thought it was about time to tell the story of the so-called Pendle Witches.
What lead to so many people being accused of witchcraft in 1612? What crimes were committed? And what would witches make of our cocktail this week.
The secret ingredient is...witchy shit!